Assignment 9.3: JavaScript - Part 1

Mac Slade - Private Detective by John Blumenthal

Marlowe lay on the street, his body _______ with bullets. I never liked riddles, and now I knew why. Thats when I saw her, standing under the streetlight. This dame had gams that started at her hips, and went all the way down to the ground.

The Nifk Dame smiled and took a couple of steps toward me, stepping over poor dead Marlowe to get there. She had guts, this dame. So did Marlowe, but his were all over the _____. She was one hot potato.

"Word is youre lookin for someone Mac", she cooed, still smiling. Shes tough to figure out, How does everyone in this place know my damn name? "Have you ever seen a john named ____?" I told her as i looked her in the eye, the right one to be exact.

"I know a Fred named Jill Murray named Biff, but I dont think ive ever seen a John named link. Say Mac, You think youre pretty tough, doncha?" She said, ogling my Physique. "I get around on my _____ allright."I replied, trying not to notice how the streetlight behind her made her look. "That sounds like a pretty clumsy way to get around", she said, and that was the last thing i remembered till i woke up in a dark room.

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